Foodservice Australia 2018
Please pop over to stand K14 at Foodservice Australia 2018 for some great #icecream and #frozenyogurt. An amazing alternative to traditional #softservemachines with inexpensive machines and a fast return on investment.
Posted by The One-Shot Corporation Limited on Saturday, 26 May 2018
The OneShot Swirl concept is now appearing on stand K14 at Foodservice Australia 2018. We traditionally have rather busy exhibition stands around the world and there is a great deal of interest out there. Just look at how many people have watched this promotional movie.
The One-Shot® pod dispensing system has a number of exciting unique selling points.
* Perfect portion control
* Perfect cost control
* Low cost equipment
* No sanitizing
* No waste
* No heat emission
* Plug-and-go
* Energy consumption less than a 100w light bulb!
* Quiet operation
Please also follow us here on our blog as we publish more global news. Watch out, no matter where you are, the One-Shot® dispensing system is coming your way!™
For international information about the One-Shot® dispensing system, please contact:
Gary McGill, MA, MBA, FCMI
Director of Global Marketing
The One-Shot Corporation Limited
70 Churchill Square Business Centre
Kings Hill
ME19 4YU
Tel: + 44 1732 525925
Fax: + 44 1732 525825
* One-Shot® is a licensed Trade Mark from the One-Shot Corporation Limited, England.