We have had an excellent start to 2020, as you can of course see from the new installations popping up, plus all the social media feeds. Oh boy, do we have a treat for you in Norway as One-Shot® Norge publishes their flavour book online.
Drool over delicious flavours and serving combinations that we think are a must have for our clients. It is all value added with a great taste, amazing presentation and uncomplicated machines (no sanitizing is always a real plus).
For international information about the One-Shot® dispensing system, please contact:
Gary McGill, MA, MBA, FCMI
Director of Global Marketing
The One-Shot Corporation Limited
70 Churchill Square Business Centre
Kings Hill
ME19 4YU
Tel: + 44 1732 525925
Fax: + 44 1732 525825
* One-Shot® is a licensed Trade Mark from the One-Shot Corporation Limited, England.